A Hero is Always Ready for an Adventure. (Year 2 , Week 5)

Heroes Academy
5 min readOct 5, 2018


As the first session draws to a close the heroes the heroes have been able to spend some wonderful time celebrating and reflecting on the events of the session. While there is much opportunity for growth in the studio and the culture, the progress made on the journey is evident. More importantly each hero is learning to face challenges, solve problems, and build friendships.

360 Degree Reviews and Hero Interviews

At the end of each session the heroes complete 360 degree reviews and have a one-on-one hero interview with a guide. They spend time giving each other warm (things done well) and cool (things to improve) feedback about how well each hero is upholding some of the key contract promises. The 360 degree reviews aim to give the heroes feedback from multiple perspectives so they can reflect on their studio contribution throughout the session.

The heroes receive this feedback during their hero interview with a guide. During the last week of the session each hero meets with a guide to reflect on their session and discuss their highlights and struggles from the session, how balanced they have been in their work, their 360 degree reviews, and any questions or feedback they have for the guides.

Running Partners

At Heroes Academy we believe that these young heroes are capable of running the studio. As part of giving them more responsibility in the studio, this week they have started meeting with a running partner — someone who helps hold them accountable to their goals and reflect on their time in the studio together.

Now, the heroes running partners have taken on roles such as checking and signing of on each others daily reflection journal entries and setting and sharing goals together daily.


Are robots more valuable as workers than people?

Do robots know good from bad?

These were the questions that the heroes explored during a self-organized learning environment (SOLE) on Wednesday morning. Working with their running partners, the heroes spent 30 minutes researching and exploring resources to determine their response to this questions. When we met back together, the heroes shared their findings and debated whether people or robots are better workers, which they would trust more and if robots have feelings. This discussion led to an interesting link to the question of the year (Are we born knowing good from bad?) as the heroes discussed whether or not robots can determine good from bad.

Preparing for and Hosting the Exhibition

This week included the first session exhibition for this school year. The heroes spent a lot of time this week preparing for the exhibition. This included cleaning the studio, setting up the quest displays, deciding on the schedule, creating voting sheets, practicing, and creating the scavenger hunt list.

The heroes were very excited to host their families and present their work from this session. At Heroes Academy, the heroes are responsible for the preparation and hosting of the exhibition with no intervention from the guides. This present a powerful opportunity to “learn to do” and “learn to be.”

The atmosphere in the studio on exhibition day was full of energy and anticipation as the heroes eagerly awaited the arrival of their families. Thank you to all of the families who were able to come and participate in this session’s exhibition! The heroes loved showing their quest work, studio systems, and studio contract with the guests.


On Friday the heroes reflected on their successes and failures of the exhibition. Using the parent feedback as a mirror, the heroes shared what they would do differently next time and what the felt went well. Some of their reflections included:

“Well done to the speakers, you explained really clearly you just needed to speak louder.”

“I think the quest was displayed really well.”

“We need to space the chairs out more…it was too crowed for the parents.”

“It went a lot better than our first exhibition last year!”

Wrapping up the Session

At the end of each session the heroes celebrate those in the studio who have earned a badge during our badge ceremony. At Heroes Academy we believe in mastery. Badges indicate mastery of a specific topic or learning area and are evidence of be able to actually do something. Congratulations to those heroes who earned badges this session!


After a relaxing afternoon on Friday enjoying a movie and popcorn party, the session was ended with a special close group. The heroes spent time in a vulnerable discussion in which they were offer an opportunity to courageously apologize and seek forgiveness from any of their fellow travelers who they felt they might have wronged in some way during this session. This gave the heroes an opportunity as a tribe to leave their frustration “on the field” and move into the next session with positivity and an increased sense of community. Its times like these where heroes step up and show humility and vulnerability that show the world that children have much to teach us.

As we close the end of the first chapter of the year, we can’t help but to wonder what lies ahead. What challenges will the heroes face? What victorious are to unfold? While those answers may remain a mystery, one thing holds true: a hero is always ready for an adventure.



Heroes Academy
Heroes Academy

Written by Heroes Academy

Elementary blog for Heroes Academy, an innovative school in Boise, Idaho. We inspire children to find a calling and change the world → http://heroesacademy.org

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