A Midnight Ride (Year 2, Week 23)
Imagine this. You are Paul Revere, and you are tasked with alerting your fellow soldiers, Sons of Liberty you are called, that the British were coming. Failure could mean the lives of many comrades, and possibly your own. Every second matters, as you make your journey through countryside informing others of the coming attack.
What if Paul Revere had gotten distracted and been late to hang the lanterns?
The week started with listening to A Midnight Ride, and discussing this question. They discussed why it is important to be on time; even in less critical situations.
The heroes were then challenged to arrive on time and prepared for every discussion and reflection for the remainder of the day. They agreed this goal is achievable if everyone focused and reminded each other to be on time.
They took on the task as a group, and completed the challenge!
Writer’s Workshop
Tuesday marked the final day of Writer’s Workshop for this session. The heroes spent their final Writer’s Workshop finishing up stories and preparing them to enter in the writing contest. After earning Studio Level 2 last session; the heroes pitched party ideas. The winner was Tyler’s Movie-Fort party! After a vote, the heroes voted to watch Bolt.
Sumo robots are taking shape as the heroes prepare for the tournament next week. When asked: Are you more nervous or excited for the exhibition next week? Many of the heroes answered that they felt both nervous and excited because they don’t feel their robots are ready to win the tournament. Each day the heroes are experiencing the excitement, frustration and feeling of accomplishment that comes with building and learning to code something of their own. At Heroes Academy, we believe these feelings are a vital part of the education process. In core skills, the heroes learn the basics of reading, writing and math as well as learn how to learn. During quest, the heroes continue to discover that learning can be fun.
In his last Quest launch of the session, Caden talked about a tech entrepreneur that has changed the world: Bill Gates.
“What do you find most impressive about Bill Gates.”
“I think he made all this money and was generous with it and gave it away. That’s something to look up to.”
“I think rich people normally they want to keep their money to themselves and it was very kind of him to do what he did.”
“His generosity was crazy, he was really generous to the people.”
Outdoor Experience
During Wednesday’s Outdoor Experience, the heroes chose to play capture the flag using the whole field. They discovered this made it difficult for either side to win; but gave everyone a lot more room to run.
Hero-Led Changes in the Studio
This week Tyler finalized an idea he pitched at town hall meeting last week. He felt that heroes who lost multiple hero bucks in a day actually need additional support in some way so they don’t keep losing them.
The heroes agreed and on Thursday, determined what happens under these circumstances.
It’s amazing how well they express what they believe, agree and disagree respectfully, and arrive at decisions. These things deeply matter to them, and they are continuing to improve the community out of their own volition.
Lots of people would fear trusting children with such impactful decisions, but when you show them genuine trust, and they know they carry the weight of true responsibility, they finally get the chance to show you just how incredible they really are.
Town Hall
There were several proposals during this weeks town hall meeting.
“We think that people can do Prodigy when they finish daily huddles. Because you are just sitting there and doing Prodigy waiting after doing daily huddles”
Result: The heroes voted to keep the Prodigy start time at 10:30 and continue holding heroes accountable when they get on Prodigy too early.
“During Flow phase you should be able to help other people. Like, whisper and help in your desk cluster. I think we should be able to mildly help with a few questions.”
Result: The heroes voted that allow quiet whispering during flow to answer quick questions.
“I want to do a puppet show because… have already made little puppets and I want to do it now.”
Result: The heroes voted to pitch having a puppet show each session to the guides
“I think only reset can’t bring any stuff but nesting, flying and soaring can bring bean bags and stuff. But nesting can only do it on Monday’s.”
Result: The heroes voted not to pass this motion.
“I think if you ask for more than 10 hero bucks you should earn a hero buck. If you are randomly asking for hero bucks, you lose one.”
Result: The heroes agreed this would encourage people to ask for hero bucks without cause and voted this proposal down.
During this week’s Town Hall Meeting, one hero asked the question: “How will this help us on our Hero’s Journey?” This is an amazing example of the mindset the heroes have in the studio. Each day, through launches and reflections; the heroes look at where they are on their hero’s journey, where they are headed and what they are doing to get there.