Friends and Family (Year 2, Week 22)

Heroes Academy
6 min readMar 15, 2019


Maslow was a psychologist who believed that we as humans have certain basic needs. The needs at the bottom are the most important, and if they aren’t being met; we aren’t thinking about the needs further up on the triangle.

Do you agree with where Maslow placed friendship on the triangle?

Starting with this question, the heroes reflected on how important friendship, family and love are to them. When we look at a hero’s journey, we see that mentors and friends play a key role in each journey; helping the hero overcome obstacles or celebrate a victory. At Heroes Academy we believe equipping children with tools to create friends and mentors helps them better prepare for the challenges ahead.

Level Up!

We have a new addition to the studio this week. The heroes completed studio level one, so the guides have brought the outside in with a new tent and chairs for the studio. This addition has the heroes looking forward and wondering what they will earn when they complete studio level two!


There are some robots being designed to take over low-skills jobs such as grocery clerk or mundane jobs such as agriculture. Where do robots add the most value: high-danger tasks or low-skill tasks?

“Probably danger tasks because the one is just doing like anything you don’t want to do. But a danger one, if you’re hurt that would be better because it would help you.”

“I think danger task because sometimes places get flooded and you can’t swim or stand up in it. A robot could help you.”

“I agree, a dangerous task. You don’t want to risk more lives.”

“If the robot was doing an easy job it wouldn’t be a big deal if it messed up. If it was saving people it would.”

“If robots replace jobs, people would not be able to get a job and get paid.”

“If the robot replaced the police, firemen, paramedics and doctors it would be less safe because there would be lots of crimes with robots.”

If you could have a robot take care of any one task or responsibility you have now, what would it be?

  • Chores
  • Picking up dog poop
  • Cleaning my room
  • Taking out the trash
  • Cleaning the backyard
  • Taking care of the dishwasher
  • Vacuuming
  • Helping me learn
  • Getting stuff for me when I’m sick
  • Cleaning my bike
  • Cleaning my house

The heroes engaged in several challenges this week as they learned how to build and program touch sensors, switches, color sensors and loops. This was a new experience full of trial and error for many of the heroes. At Heroes Academy, we believe in the importance of trying, failing and getting back up to try again. As the heroes engage in this quest, they are experiencing what it means to learn through failure.

Writer’s Workshop

The heroes completed their final short stories of the session this week. Next week they will have the opportunity to choose a story to submit to a children’s writing contests for prizes!

On Tuesday, the heroes explored genres by watching one short comedy clip and one dramatic clip.

Which of these is more interesting to you, why?

“I think the dramatic one because it makes you think.”

“I think the funny one because it makes me laugh.”

“I think it (dramatic) was really more interesting than the other one. It was really more interesting because the other one was just funny but not as interesting.”

“The funny one wasn’t really interesting, but the other one probably took a lot of time to create and was really interesting in how they did it.”

After discussing this question, the heroes listed their favorite genres and discovered that they most enjoy writing within they same genres they had listed. This is part of the process they are going through this session to discover their voice as a writer.

Town Hall Meeting

The heroes had some new town hall meeting proposals this week:

“I think tons of people don’t really care if they get asked for hero bucks because they get so far in negatives it’s hard to get back. I think we should have a system where every time you get asked for a hero buck in a day you move your clip down to one of the sections. First section is lose a hero buck, second is lose some free time. I feel like we should make a system like that, that resets every day.”

Result: The heroes voted to put this program into place and have one hero lead a launch on what the consequences on the board should be.

“I feel the nesting schedule should be gone… it’s really annoying to me. I want to be able to do what I want. It’s hard when you have to follow the nesting schedule.”

Result: The heroes voted to keep the nesting schedule as is.

“I feel that we should not be able to run when we are going out to the parking lot area to cross the street. It disturbs everyone else. It was a starting rule and I think anyone who runs should lose a hero buck.”

Result: The heroes voted that they should still be able to run out to free time, as long as they stay within the strike boundary and do not talk.”

“I think flying heroes or soaring heroes should be able to bring extra furniture from home and use it.”

Result: The heroes voted that those in flying can bring beanbags from home to use only during Mindfulness and movie parties.

“I think we need more vacuums. People have been fighting over the vacuums and then I can’t finish my job.”

Result: The heroes voted to allow heroes with an extra vacuum at home to bring one in.

The only reason these young heroes are able to have these important and high impact conversations is because of the weeks and months they have spend practicing rules of engagement that ensure each person has a voice and can be heard in a safe, respectful environment. Many have commented on how much more efficient town hall meetings are than meetings they have with other adults.

Squad Competition

A new squad competition was introduced this week. The squad with the most cumulative percent progress at the end of the week won a mini popcorn, Gatorade and Netflix Kids mini-party during lunch on Friday! The squads chose their names on Monday and began working on Khan. Math Madness took an early lead, with 23% earned on Monday. However, the Smarties were the winning squad with 38% progress!


With only two weeks left in the session, the heroes are looking forward to the exhibition and pushing themselves to achieve the session goals they have set. They are a model of what children can accomplish as each day they continue to learn and transform on their hero’s journey.



Heroes Academy
Heroes Academy

Written by Heroes Academy

Elementary blog for Heroes Academy, an innovative school in Boise, Idaho. We inspire children to find a calling and change the world →

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