“If you’re curious you can work things out by yourself” (Year 1, Week 26)
The second week of this session has seen the heroes settle more into the rhythms and systems of the studio. Although a number of new processes have been introduced so far this session, the heroes are taking on their responsibilities, holding each other accountable and developing deep character through the process.
“When curiosity is sparked, children can learn without any further assistance.” Ken Robinson
Do you agree or disagree with this quote?
This quote and question began a discussion during one of this week’s launches about curiosity. As the heroes discussed their viewpoints, many strongly believed that children can learn without assistance, however some disagreed, stating that at some stage you will need assistance from an adult. As we explore curiosity more as this sessions character trait, the insights that these heroes have in to themselves and their own learning continued to amaze us. As two heroes stated during this discussion:
“If you’re curious about things then you can solve problems better and come up with new ideas.”
“If you’re curious then you can work things out by yourself. Sometimes we don’t want adults to help us.”
Writing in the Studio
This session it has been particularly exciting to see a deeper engagement with writing happening in the studio.
The heroes are exploring poetry during their Writer’s Workshop time. So far this genre has proven to be very engaging and exciting for the heroes as they created metaphors and wrote Haiku poems this week.
Incentivised further by points now earned through writing, the nesting heroes have also been practising their handwriting and creative writing during the Writer’s Workshop time.
We hope you enjoy reading some of the hero’s Haiku Poems (A three line poem with the first and last line having 5 syllables and the middle line having 7), can you guess what they are about?:
You are so fuzzy
I want to pet you so bad
Your ears are so soft
— — —
Two wheels alone
Wiggle to move, tilt to turn
Jump off to stop fast
— — —
They hide in the leaves
And they eat food from the trees
They swing on branches
The hero’s business ideas continued to form and develop this week during the entrepreneurship quest time. It has been exciting to see the variety of products that the heroes are planning to sell at the children’s business fair, including: ice cream, soft toys, artworks, origami creations, smoothies and photographs.
This week the heroes have explored brand identity and unit economics. They have been busy designing logos, booths and coming up with a slogan for their business. During their unit economics challenge the heroes explored the concepts of sunk, variable and fixed costs as well as revenue and profit.
Hero’s Journey Badges
This week the Hero’s Journey badges were re-launched to help the heroes better understand them. After a discussion about the badges each hero chose one of the six badges to focus on throughout the rest of this session.
The focus of these badges is learning to be and developing strong character through engaging in leadership opportunities in the studio and reflecting on how they can positively contribute to the community.
The studio is already filled with such warm-hearted and tough-minded heroes. We are so grateful for them and to witness their growth on the hero’s journey they are all on.