Victim vs Heroic Mindset

Heroes Academy
5 min readDec 10, 2021


(Year 5, Week 12)

A few weeks ago the heroes opened up a discussion about words. Several shared times when words really impacted them. This week, the heroes continued that discussion in terms of how we talk to each other and ourselves.

On Monday, the heroes discussed specifically the words we use with each other, and decided whether or not some name calling, swearing, or other words and gestures represented heroes or villains on the hero’s journey.

Quite passionately, most heroes didn’t believe these things belonged in our studio, both because they were things that were hurtful to them individually, but also because of the example it represented to the Spark heroes and others who came to visit.

Going forward, they have decided that these promises should be upheld by each other, and should have swift consequences.

One particularly interesting part of the discussion surrounded calling people names under the guise of a joke. Many heroes shared being on the receiving end of such jokes. Together, the studio ultimately decided that even in jest, this type of humor will be met with tough-minded accountability.

Writer’s Workshop

The heroes moved forward this week on putting together their pitches.

After being challenged to come up with different ways to persuade their audience using ethos, logos, and pathos, the heroes began putting together their pitches.

As a fly on the wall, one might notice a large amount of intentionality during writer’s workshop. Most of the heroes have expressed being excited (though nervous) about pitching their pet.

As Friday rolled around, the heroes expressed an increase in nervousness as they only have a few more days of writer’s workshop until next week’s exhibition.

While some are on track, having completed all the prep challenges, some decided to forgo any previous challenges and jump straight into crafting their final pitch.

Victim Vs Heroic Mindset

Wednesday, the heroes discussed the words we use when talking to ourselves. Specifically, they were challenged to think about what it means to have a victim mindset vs a heroic mindset.

After looking through some of the examples in the photo above, the heroes were asked “Which do you hear most in the studio?”

“I can’t do this” and “I give up” were popular comments, though most had shared hearing most or all of them.

Then, “When in your day do you most need to better demonstrate Heroic Mindset? (Where can you use the most improvement?)”

  • When you are doing a core skill, like math or reading or writing
  • When you are working on your pitch for exhibition
  • When working with others?
  • Something else?

The heroes were then challenged to recognize when they were in a victim mindset, and try to switch to a heroic mindset. At close, many shared times when they remembered to switch their mindset, or even when a fellow traveler reminded them.

Spark Buddies

This week, several Spark heroes have started to enter the Discovery studio as they are showing readiness to possibly move up over the next 6–12 months. Discovery heroes who are in flying or soaring freedom levels, have the opportunity to mentor these young heroes on badges, points, and goal setting, among other things.

These Spark heroes add a wonderful element to the studio when they come in as they are very excited and intentional. The focus on curiosity, love of learning, freedom to choose, and deep focus in the Spark studio lend to their readiness to enter the Discovery studio.

The magic of a learner driven community seems to be easiest to see in times like these where older learners and younger learners come together to share learning.

Christmas Quest

This week, the heroes continued their Christmas quest by making fleece blankets for foster children who were in need.

Last week, they voted to make blankets for foster children, and rounded up enough hero bucks to purchase these items. They shared feeling lots of joy in serving others as they did the blankets.

DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)

Over the last few weeks, mindfulness after lunch had deteriorated to “time to do anything you want with the lights off.” With low ratings in intentionality by the heroes, the schedule was adjusted to DEAR. The heroes decided on telling a fun story about why they need to be quiet to kick of dear. Some have shared of bears in the walls who will scare people who are talking, while other stories involved monsters under the rug that prey on people who made noise.

Each hero seems to enjoy DEAR, though at any one time an observer might notice some lack of intentionality. The heroes will continue to work through either making DEAR an intentional time, moving it to another part of the day/week, or removing it altogether.

Wrap Up

This week ends with some wonderful words in an email from a hero to a guide, “I love being a hero.” In a lot of ways, those words just might say it all.



Heroes Academy
Heroes Academy

Written by Heroes Academy

Elementary blog for Heroes Academy, an innovative school in Boise, Idaho. We inspire children to find a calling and change the world →