Virtual Reality

Heroes Academy
6 min readApr 10, 2020

(Year 3, Week 24)


Virtual Heroes Academy was in full swing. The guides spent Spring Break going over how to best equip the heroes and their families during the difficult time the country and world was facing. Before Monday rolled around, the guides got supplies together for their first week and set about creating a system for the heroes to come and get there stuff. They simply couldn’t wait for the heroes to log on and get rolling into the new session.

Monday morning the heroes were met with a launch given by Jake. He asked the heroes questions that got them thinking about how they wanted their time at home to go. Big and small questions led to an honest discussion about goal setting and keeping one another accountable. There was never a more needed time for accountability partners and systems than there was during the new Virtual Studio.

Later in the afternoon, the heroes were presented the Heroes Academy 2020 Olympics. Over the session the heroes would design, create and use their muscles to compete against one another. There was a cheer of excitement over the ZOOM call when they were presented with the Strength Shape challenge. One hero said, “I bet I can get this structure to not only hold books, but me!”

Shape Challenge Structure

Anne Frank

On Tuesday, the heroes began their Writer’s Workshop challenge. A bi-weekly journaling exercise. The heroes learned a little bit about Anne Frank, the discussion completely focused on the portion of her being brave and living in isolation with her family, it also included some challenges that Anne faced when it came to boredom and strength. The common remarks from the heroes were:

wow, no electronics at all?

She sounds so strong.

Was she scared?

They heard about her annex, the people inside and the size of the annex. They were in awe that she was able to withstand that for over two years. Their first challenge was to take on writing about their current situation in isolation, detailing everything from where they are at, what they do for fun and their general surroundings. They came back at closing excited to share the different things they do to stay entertained and a common theme was how close they felt to their parents/guardians.

A quote by John Wooden reflected many of the heroes sentiments,

“Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.”


More often than not, adult nature is to control. To look at a situation, figure out how to fix it and put together the moving parts. While the guides role is to be Socratic, and help equip, there are times they fall victim to the same mindset in times of stress and turmoil.

During the week, the guides thought,

“We have all of this planned, but what about the heroes? In the studio they are able to run launches, take care of problems and voice their thoughts and ideas. How do we do this virtually!?”

So they decided that day to open it up to the heroes. Because without them, this would not be.

The following questions were posed:

When do you want to connect 1:1 with the guide?

What art projects inspire you?

How can we bring fun and excitement into the Virtual Studio?

What are you passionate about NOW, how can we foster that?

Do you want to launch on Friday’s or do Town Hall?

What would bring joy into the Virtual Studio?

The heroes poured their hearts into their answers. They decided they wanted to get the energy pumping with some games/physical activities in the morning. They also want to implement art contests and possibly host a game night! There was even talk of a movie night, where everyone logs in, brings their comfy stuff and watches a movie together. The heroes spirit and joy filled the computers when they detailed the things they want to implement. Their passion and dedication was undeniable.


Thursday’s morning launch was a little different. The heroes participated in their first Trivia game! They took some time to select teams and then the guide posed questions to them. The questions were a mix of animals, sports and history. The Animals and Ducktales faced off in a heated battle with team Animals pulling off a win by a hair. There was laughter and giggles that brought back memories of passionate chatter that filled the studio.

Listening to the heroes banter back and forth over answers. Using their communication skills and problem solving started to create anticipation to all be back together in the new studio. One thing is for certain, the heroes want to add trivia to the daily schedule.

Later on in the day, the heroes were given the challenge to write about what they believe the world is going to look like in 500 years. Their imaginations ran wild with possibilities. From flying cars to bright blue buildings, their ideas were endless. They believed communication would change, there would be less trees and we may possibly be able to travel through time! It sounded like the Virtual Studio has quite a few budding scientists, or even writers.

Competition Time

The Friday games were upon the heroes and the anticipation was running rampant in the morning launch. They were excited to showcase their work and compete.

As with all things, there were a few blips and blunders. Some heroes forgot to finish. Others forgot to post videos. All in all they came together. They decided to compete watching videos and doing live builds! If the heroes earned A’s or gold stars in anything, it would be with flexibility and persistence.

In the end Tyson took home the gold medal! His structure was able to hold upwards of 100 books, just using thin pieces of paper!

Julia came in a close second and Ester grabbed the third place title.

The heroes reflected on the challenge. they all agreed that they loved competing but really wanted to be able to do some physical challenges. Hopefully week two they are able to compete not just with their minds, but bodies!


The studio is greatly missed but the heroes are phenomenal. They were able to take on the challenges this week with stride and conquer everything laid in their path. They loved chatting with one another, calling the guides in video chats and showcasing the fun things that they are doing with their families. While the situation everyone is in isn’t perfect, the heroes mindset sure is. Next week the heroes won’t be needing any supplies other than their minds, bodies, an internet connection and some healthy competitive attitudes. They will also be resuming mindfulness and stillness, they were all excited for those two to come back into play.

Even though times are different, they show up with the best hearts and attitudes. Every day they are getting closer to the finish line, soon enough they will be chasing one another into the new studio with giggles and laughter.

Meetings with the Guide



Heroes Academy

Elementary blog for Heroes Academy, an innovative school in Boise, Idaho. We inspire children to find a calling and change the world →